This video introduces the fundamental particles and describes how they can interact to give rise to the amazing universe we live in.

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Learn More
Learn more about the fascinating connection between symmetry and antimatter at this website:
Learn about the history and current developments of antimatter research from CERN:
A biography of Paul Dirac, The Strangest Man, describes his eccentricities and the genius that lead to being awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics:
You can learn more about antimatter and related topics here:
Research Challenges
In Carl Anderson’s experiment, particles of different electric charges spiraled in different directions due to the presence of a magnetic field. How do magnetism and electricity relate? What does the idea of electromagnetism have to do with the nature of light?
Carl Anderson’s experiment took place in a cloud chamber. How does the cloud chamber allow physicists to observe the tracks of charged particles? Do uncharged particles also make tracks in a cloud chamber? Compare the cloud chamber to its cousin, the bubble chamber. What are some other ways to detect particles?
Symmetry is a central idea in particle physics, and is deeply related to the antimatter paradox. The matter-antimatter asymmetry observed in kaons is sometimes called CP asymmetry. What do those letters stand for?
How much do you weigh? Use \( E = mc^2 \) to figure out how much energy would be required to make an antimatter version of you. To put that number in perspective, find out how much energy you use in electricity every day.